Work History

Riani Witania Satiajaya

Software Engineer


Known for pursuing career in horizon spread industries rather than vertical-wise structure. Skilled in back end programming for 16 years. The tools that has been used are less than 100 but sufficient enough to support web development and back end's enterprise integrated platforms. The capital market of Indonesia only increase 300% in a decade, in technical skill dimension, I believe I can surpass the value of western technological adaptation.


years of professional experience
years of post-secondary education

Work History

Software Engineer

PT Berlian Sistem Informasi
Pulomas, Jakarta
10.2024 - Current
  • Effectively managing time and prioritizing minimum 3 tasks according to importance in each SCRUM cycles.
  • Developed Front End and Back End for an website application, and maintenance of Enterprise Messaging System Publisher Subscriber and Point-to Point also support Product Owner in varied activities

System Analyst

PT Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison
07.2022 - 07.2024
  • Enhanced collaboration between IT teams and vendors around system requirements, project progress updates, and change management processes
  • Collaborated with upper management to drive strategy and implement new processes
  • Assisted project managers in creating accurate project timelines through careful analysis of task dependencies and resource constraints within system development initiatives
  • Delivered multivariate products such as API integration, E-Voucher and incentive using wallet balances.

Back End Engineer

PT Omni Digitama Internusa
03.2022 - 06.2022
  • Responsible in development of sold product delivery in checkout feature
  • Participated in Team's Daily Meeting through SCRUM methodology
  • Worked in large team for different platform
  • Deployed the program into SIT environment stages

Payroll Specialist

PT Omega Softindo
10.2021 - 02.2022
  • Delivered solution to payroll software improvement that being used by hundred of clients
  • Delivered payroll service and reports from employee data maintenance to tax reporting
  • Reported directly to Business Owners in each daily operational

Senior Software Engineer

PT Balangga Prakoso Teknologi
01.2019 - 10.2021
  • Produced new-gen based web service component using Go Language from .Net based Technologies with efficient testing validation activities and its technologies offspring
  • Produced new template algorithm using SQL Language from OLTP and OLAP
  • Participated in Team's Daily Meeting through email correspondences
  • Reported directly to Back End Operational Team Lead

Senior Software Engineer

Allegro Development Corporation
01.2017 - 12.2018
  • Produced steady deliverables across lines of Allegro Products such as Price Connect, Trade Connect, Power Connect, and Regulatory Connect with variation of resourceful support agents throughout the client and HQ based in the maintenance and a new development scheme
  • Worked in Indonesia with several professional developers who among them is a Microsoft's MVP
  • Worked with a team consist of 1 VP, and 3 Senior Software Engineer
  • Participated in Team's Meeting (remote) with HQ's office in Texas

Software Engineer

PT Berlian Sistem Informasi
04.2016 - 10.2016
  • Produced new shaped of codes based on System Analyst's functional documentation from customer's urgent cases
  • Worked with a team consist of 2 other Software Engineer, 1 System Analyst and 1 Project Manager

System Analyst

PT BNI Life Insurance
Jalan Jend. Sudirman, Jakarta
05.2015 - 04.2016
  • Produced fully cycle of analysis through initiation to clients's validation of certain modules of a new age of Individual's Business (B2C) Management System
  • Produced new template report for Claim Section of Group's Management System for both Provider and other parties' participants
  • Assisted database algorithm development for certain cumulative formula
  • Participated in Team's Weekly Meeting (meeting room)

Analyst Programmer

PT Mitrais
Kuta, Bali
06.2013 - 07.2015
  • Produced mockup design, major architecture, mini-leaflet design and code development for a Council-based application for an Australian company
  • Produced managed library development for a Commercial MT4 Trader's Partner Company
  • Produced Alpha version of Mitrais Contract Management
  • Contributed in Front and Back End of Mitrais Client Portal
  • Highly Contributed in Email's Workflow's development using sort of Control Flow components and fully in charge of Event Receiver's SharePoint's lists' flow
  • Produced weekly reports especially when deployed to Client based projects to be mitigated by High Level Management
  • Participated in Team's Daily Meeting (remote) using SCRUM methods by doing presentation
  • Presented developed products to key users and budget owners


PT Jati Piranti Solusindo
Jalan Jend. Sudirman, Jakarta
02.2012 - 06.2013
  • Produced new versions of Asset Management and Customer Pension Funds application based on requested changes or bugs incidents that usually happened once a week.
  • Participated in new versions developments of URS Custody Application in the DANAMON Bank collaborate with small size team from JATIS employees with approximately more than 3 CR items.
  • Produced new engine for JIVE migration in Standard Chartered Bank collaborate with small size team from JATIS and Hongkong based vendor with approximately more than 100 tables.

Software Engineer

PT Puspa Intimedia Internusa
Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta
05.2009 - 02.2012
  • Participated in building new application for Safety Health and Sites Allocations for SANTOS ASIA PACIFIC PTY LTD
  • Participated in building new application for PT H M SAMPOERNA Sales Forecast
  • Participated in building new application for BPN SIMTANAS
  • As internship in building change configuration, new packages and SQL stored procedure for PT ASTRA INTERNATIONAL, PSS4W Product.


PT Astra Credit Companies
Jakarta Selatan, Jakarta
10.2008 - 02.2009
  • Participated in building data schema exploration, Java desktop application and user interface mock-up for Data Mining systems
  • Participated in Technical Documentation for University Dissertation


Magister Manajemen -

Binus Business School
Jakarta, Indonesia
02.2012 - 10.2013

Sarjana Komputer -

Binus University
Jakarta, Indonesia
09.2005 - 02.2009


Microsoft Office

Programming with Microsoft Platform

Programming No SQL Database

Github, BitBucket and so on



Software Engineer

PT Berlian Sistem Informasi
10.2024 - Current

System Analyst

PT Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison
07.2022 - 07.2024

Back End Engineer

PT Omni Digitama Internusa
03.2022 - 06.2022

Payroll Specialist

PT Omega Softindo
10.2021 - 02.2022

Senior Software Engineer

PT Balangga Prakoso Teknologi
01.2019 - 10.2021

Senior Software Engineer

Allegro Development Corporation
01.2017 - 12.2018

Software Engineer

PT Berlian Sistem Informasi
04.2016 - 10.2016

System Analyst

PT BNI Life Insurance
05.2015 - 04.2016

Analyst Programmer

PT Mitrais
06.2013 - 07.2015


PT Jati Piranti Solusindo
02.2012 - 06.2013

Magister Manajemen -

Binus Business School
02.2012 - 10.2013

Software Engineer

PT Puspa Intimedia Internusa
05.2009 - 02.2012


PT Astra Credit Companies
10.2008 - 02.2009

Sarjana Komputer -

Binus University
09.2005 - 02.2009
Riani Witania SatiajayaSoftware Engineer